Home Care

Preimum Personal Care is a small business that takes care of individuals that have some challenges. Our goal is to provide care for these individuals, so they can live long happy lives in their homes without being institutionalized. We strive to treat our clients with dignity, and we want to make them feel accepted and included.

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Daily Works

We sometimes do more for our individuals such as taking them to movies, and to the store, so they can get groceries and such. One time, we took some of our clients to the beach in Florda in the summer, and our clients had a great time.

Courtney Meatchum

My name is Courtney Metcham, and I am the CEO of Premium Personal Care, and I run the business. I am pleased to work with these individuals because they mean quite a bit to me. Although I have some staff to help me do my work, I a lot of times will go and take care of our clients myself because I like to get to know them and treat them right.

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